mistylicious groups

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  • Princess Luna Fans princesslunafans Princess Luna Fans

    For all fans of Princess Luna!

  • New Lunar Republic lunarrepublic New Lunar Republic The moon Colony

    "For Luna we fight, For Luna we die. We stand in the night, until in the ground we lie."

  • Fans of Cupcakes pinkiepiecupcakes Fans of Cupcakes Pinkie Pie's Basement http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011

    For all of the ponies who love Cupcakes as much as me. And now there's a comic! http://pinkanon.deviantart.com/

  • Ponies who want to stop cancer cancerawarness Ponies who want to stop cancer

    As many of you ponies know my mother died from cancer when I was little and after watching this vid http://fav.me/d4tv2oe I wanted to make a Brony/Pegasister Cancer Awarness group. Join if you know someone who has or had cancer or just in general join to raise awareness of Cancer. Thank you so much. XOXOXO partypinkiestyle

  • Sparity sparity Sparity Online


  • College Bronies United collegeunited College Bronies United College! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVkWSepK4wpB3G3xOMUAXFA

    Anypony currently in, graduated, or will be in college! Started a youtube channel for all college bronies to take apart of!