Replies to noir, page 4

  1. @noir Calgary has been great! The people I met here are very understanding and helpful. Though, admittedly, the only people I really interacted with so far are a few people at my workplaces and a few people from the meet-up. Overall, everypony seems friendly enough. =P There are actually a lot more pony merchandises here, and pretty much everything is cheaper due to the gst being only 5% (compare to BC's combine tax of 12% on certain goods). The Winter seems like it may take some getting used to, but it doesn't really affect my opinion on Calgary, and I should be able to adept. Oh, but yes, it'd be awesome if we hang out sometime. Did you have a specific place in mind? I wouldn't mind getting a few Winter clothing advices from you too, admittedly. Perhaps you might be able to point out a few good choice of clothing when we pass by some stores? See, I'm more or less the opposite of Rarity when it comes to picking appropriate attires. =P But! Whatever else you have in mind is also good.

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 00:27:19 UTC from web in context
  2. @noir Hmm.... I see, I'll keep that in mind. Sorry to have worried you like that, but the temperature for that particular day wasn't too bad. I actually moved here in the middle of June this year, so I certainly haven't experienced the Winter season over here yet. Initially, I came over here for a temporary 3-months position to get work experience, but my employer like me enough to give me a permanent position here. =P

    Saturday, 27-Oct-12 07:07:38 UTC from web
  3. @noir Good to hear that you're handling it well. ^^ Um, but say... Some of my fellow employees is insisting that I need a car for when the temperature get much colder. I don't think I actually need one, but... I was wondering if you're still able to get to work the same way as you do now even in much colder temperature? ... Awesome, does this mean I get to ship both of them together? =D ... Naw, I'm just teasing you. =P Still, I'm imagining both of them to be very adorable working together like that. ^^

    Friday, 26-Oct-12 13:07:58 UTC from web
  4. @noir You won't believe how relief I am to hear that. =P Oh, so she is in your fan fic? Hmm... I wonder what you have in mind for her. Though, I'm guessing she is just as lovable as ever. I got to work just fine. ^^ From here, I just have to ride the bus for about 4 minutes and then walk for roughly 15 minutes to get to my workplace. Admittedly, I do wonder how low the temperature in this city will become in the next few months. And... What about yourself, Noir? I take it that you've been managing to get to work without too much difficulty?

    Thursday, 25-Oct-12 03:30:00 UTC from web
  5. @noir From the sound of it, Puzzlemint probably appreciates your company too. Otherwise, I imagine he wouldn't have been so kind toward you. Just... Promise me you won't proxy in a Derpy, all right? I'm not certain I'll ever be ready to go up against that much badassery in a deck. >.>

    Wednesday, 24-Oct-12 03:13:39 UTC from web
  6. @noir Still, that part of the Evolving Wilds' effect seems like a minor set-back most of the time. I thought the advices Puzzlemint gave you a few days ago are sound, so it's great you have him to assist you in modifying decks. ^^ Oh, and Noir, feel free to use some proxy cards in your deck when you're playing against me. This way, you would have a better idea of what cards you would like to have in your deck before actually spending money on them.

    Tuesday, 23-Oct-12 03:30:10 UTC from web in context
  7. @noir Hmm... These decks you're showing me seem pretty good. I like how there's a Evolving Wilds in each of them (It increases my odd of drawing what I need via deck thinning). Curiously, is the Depths of Power the deck you bought? In any case, I'll make sure to be there earlier this time. I figured that going earlier would give me more chance to battle you too. =P I'd be happy to receive some plastic sleeves from you, but are you certain you don't want to save them for later?

    Monday, 22-Oct-12 05:26:32 UTC from web in context
  8. @noir Ugh, I pressed the enter key too soon. Sorry. x_X Anyway, you're cool to me. =P If anything, I imagine only the most judgemental of people would think you're a bad person, Noir. You seem pretty difficult to dislike. And of course we'll battle! Probably at the next meet-ups, I imagine. I'm sorry I didn't have a deck on me though. I could have buy a deck at the Sentry box, but I'm still thinking about which deck to buy. I guess I also could have borrow a deck too, but I don't know Puzzlemint too well at this point, so I think it'd be somewhat awkward for me to borrow a deck from him. Next time, I'll definitely be ready! .... Either ready for an epic battle, or ready to have my flank kicked to the moon. I am not sure which, but still! =D

    Sunday, 21-Oct-12 16:52:56 UTC from web in context
  9. @noir No worry, I get pretty shy around new people too, especially in a group setting. =P And no, that would not make you a bad person. It's natural to be wary of strangers to some degree,

    Sunday, 21-Oct-12 16:39:51 UTC from web in context
  10. @noir Again, it was a pleasure getting to meet you, Noir. You're very friendly and approachable. I probably should have tried talking with you much sooner than today come to think of it. x_x I thought that yesterday evening went really well because I got to interact with you and a few others. The interaction just made the whole meet-up a lot more interesting for me. ^^

    Sunday, 21-Oct-12 07:45:38 UTC from web in context
  11. @noir I'll see what I can do. Making a better deck usually involves spending money on better cards, though.

    Monday, 08-Oct-12 01:57:13 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  12. @noir aight il give u dat ride

    Friday, 05-Oct-12 03:04:23 UTC from web
  13. @noir I see

    Sunday, 30-Sep-12 18:28:30 UTC from web in context
  14. @noir what server?

    Sunday, 30-Sep-12 18:01:58 UTC from web in context
  15. @noir after the meet im free could hit it up

    Friday, 21-Sep-12 02:18:06 UTC from web
  16. @noir Didn't mind

    Monday, 17-Sep-12 13:26:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  17. @noir @clash Always nice to have more Bronies to follow on G+

    Monday, 17-Sep-12 11:39:40 UTC from web in context
  18. @noir ah also you owe me $2.00 for the button. forgot to mention that

    Sunday, 16-Sep-12 02:45:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  19. @noir supposedly its CBC news radio. but I don't know what station that is above that

    Saturday, 15-Sep-12 23:40:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  20. @noir I'll have to ask ika when I get home. but I think it will cost $7 total. but don't quote me on that.

    Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 02:43:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  21. @noir do you still want a bronies 403 button? any other ones I should know?

    Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 00:50:04 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  22. @noir They won't charge for it as that is illegal without the explicit permission of VALVe Software due to the way they build it (something about basing it on Half Life 2 or so)

    Sunday, 02-Sep-12 20:36:17 UTC from web in context
  23. @noir oh my god this actually happened. They actually finished it. And it comes out on my birthday too ^.^. Also I'm pretty sure they confirmed a while back that it will be free.

    Sunday, 02-Sep-12 20:32:06 UTC from web in context
  24. @noir @darcyblue thanks. It was great meeting with other !Calgary Bronies for the first time and seeing all the stuff that goes on at the meetups.

    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 19:35:08 UTC from web
  25. @noir It wasn't your fault. Even if there was room on top of the table, there wasn't any way to make more room around it without asking a bunch of other people to move.

    Sunday, 26-Aug-12 17:28:22 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  26. @noir There just wasn't room around the table for me. I couldn't get in without blocking someone's view of the screen.

    Sunday, 26-Aug-12 13:03:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  27. @ecmc @noir !vgp now I feel old. I didn't kknow goldeneye 007 for the N64 was so old.

    Saturday, 25-Aug-12 20:50:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  28. @noir When I tried Goldeneye source (I think it was a couple of months ago) there was literally _no one_ else playing. It was pretty disappointing because it all seemed pretty awesome besides that.

    Saturday, 25-Aug-12 19:38:06 UTC from web
  29. @noir So you are going to be Derpy? YAY!

    Thursday, 23-Aug-12 18:04:31 UTC from web in context
  30. @noir Oooo! What job?

    Thursday, 23-Aug-12 17:58:24 UTC from web in context