Pony (pony)'s status on Saturday, 03-Mar-12 22:35:00 UTC

  1. @ceruleanspark @omni While there's some compelling evidence, many interesting points, and plenty of speculation about the latter reasons I listed, I would change my opinion altogether, in light of my life experience and personal preferences, if it weren't for my faith. In short, I have a personal relationship with our divine creator, one which can be had by anypony willing to sacrifice what's necessary, and it is that relationship which has allowed me to communicate with Him and be convinced that gay marriage in the U.S. (and not anywhere else as far as I know), at the present time (and not any other time as far as I know), is something that I'm commanded to oppose politically (not any other way as far as I know).

    Saturday, 03-Mar-12 22:35:00 UTC from web in context