Omni (omni)'s status on Saturday, 03-Mar-12 23:59:27 UTC

  1. @pony I apologize for not reading that now, it's 1 am, lying in bed, tired and starting to get unstable but just a few more questions: 1. What about a male + female asexual couple (like me and my owner) 2. Quickly glancing over the text you send, would a more "feminine" man taking care of the kids instead of the woman be an issue? 3. Does this mean you are also against anti-conception as they prevent the couple from fulfilling this task? 4. Do you consider each straight couple capable of taking care of children, seeing as it's their task, no matter their mental state? 5. What about gay couple adopting children? Is there anything wrong with that?

    Saturday, 03-Mar-12 23:59:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context