Pony (pony)'s status on Sunday, 04-Mar-12 00:08:10 UTC

  1. @omni I didn't really answer your question.. Let me try again. As far as I understand, God has set spiritual laws in place to chastise us for engaging in homosexual practice (not simply homosexual attraction) as well as extramarital sex. Whether or not society accepts fornication, we suffer spiritually by fornicating. As confusing as it is sometimes, I believe sexual relationships and loving relationships in general are not the same. What's more, God is the kind of Love that is completely selfless, which excludes lust. It's true that sex is part of any healthy loving marriage, and the self-gratification involved in sex is not evil by any means, but my conviction stops there. I'm afraid I'm too feeble to venture any further into the topic of sex vs. love or I'll risk saying something that misleads. I can recommend individuals who have better experience than I do who may be able to answer your questions more fully.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 00:08:10 UTC from web in context