Pony (pony)'s status on Sunday, 04-Mar-12 00:20:51 UTC

  1. @omni That's fine. Feel free to peruse it at your leisure. I just didn't want to end up quotin/paraphrasing the entire thing and risk leaving out something important or explaining it poorly 1.) While sexual 'misconduct' is not the only way to offend God, there's nothing inherently wrong with any given asexual mixed-gender couple. 2.) I'm a more feminine man and I'd love to take care of the kids, but, as contrary as that may be to my nature, I accept that the satisfaction I'll receive from the role God has given me as a provider will be much greater than if I were to stay home with the kids and let my wife (who would earn more than me with her education, btw) be our provider. In some situations it's necessary to break those roles. The document I liked to doesn't clarify those conditions and I also lack an answer unfortunately. If we're uncertain, God can give us personal guidance by the way I stated a while ago.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 00:20:51 UTC from web in context