Scribus (scribus)'s status on Monday, 25-Jun-12 11:30:30 UTC

  1. I was just scared awake by a dream. For the first time in several years (last one involved some *weird* herbal dream-aids). I was Richard Castle (only still physically me) and I was helping Beckett investigate NERV. But before that I was just myself at a brony meet in a park. Don't recall much of the meet but some androgynous attendee said whatever talk about plural realities that shifted me into Castle-me. Castle-me wanted to investigate NERV's giant robots, and there was a wall of toy versions of the pilots with snap-on Eva armor. Beckett pulled Castle-me away (with reluctance on my part) and into a bar where Rei was sitting languidly. When she moved she left acid-trail ghosting bwhind her, and tried to explain in ethereal echo-voice what a L_____ (being which encompassed all possible and current alternates, I don't recall the dreamword) was. She did a "butterfly backflip" through different versions, I excitedly thought I got it, she reached out and stroked my face. . .

    Monday, 25-Jun-12 11:30:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context