Scribus (scribus)'s status on Monday, 25-Jun-12 11:37:18 UTC

  1. @scribus When she stroked my face, she said in a echo-y voice that "In a (m/b)illion years it *all* makes sense," (a phrase which is sending shivers up my spine as I type it) and her arm extended back into infinity, her face never shrinking but falling behind a mirror veil, her form vibrating through thousands if not more different variiations. She pulled a wicked, possibly-pained/possibly-mad smile when all that was left of her face was teeth and highlights of her facial curves, despite her hand still on my face. Then her hand pulled away and I was in the bar with Beckett, who told me to just "Come on." I protested that there should still be a way to save Rei, and Beckett just said, "Not in this reality," which is when I woke IRL with a gasp. Also, I just remembered, somewhere before the innocuous brony meet the dream was basically a bad stereotype of furry po0n, but that was unrelated (God please let it have been unrelated).

    Monday, 25-Jun-12 11:37:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context