Omni (omni)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 10:32:38 UTC

  1. @abigpony I've used Windows for years, but always ended up frustrated. Even as administrator Windows seemed to refuse me complete access over my system, and it took less than a month to become a terrible, slow mess. I decided that there must be another way, and started to look around. The first Linux distribution I ended up with was SUSE Linux 9.1, which still used KDE3. I almost instantly fell in love with it, though I never had a very powerful system (and KDE has always been quite heavy) so it never ran nicely. But the whole package management (using one program to install, uninstall and update everything, without having to search the web for it) just felt great to me. I didn't use it for long and went back to Windows, but after a long while I went back to Linux again and noticed that it became a lot more beginner-friendly. I started to check around simple distributions like Ubuntu and got more and more addicted to the whole way Linux does stuff and just decided to stay.

    Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 10:32:38 UTC from web in context