Omni (omni)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 10:55:22 UTC

  1. @abigpony Your home directory is comparable to "My Documents" under Windows. You just put all your stuff there. If programs require additional setup, they generally ask it during the first time they are run. The most people use setup wizards for nowadays are to configure software installation location, which you simply don't do under Linux. All your software is installed in a central directory, and configuration settings, if you even need to access those (normally you don't, as you have "Settings" options in all software the average user uses) are saved in a hidden folder in your home directory (don't worry, most file managers will easily let you toggle showing hidden files or not). At any rate, I have a feeling I'm getting way too technical here and am confusing you more than teaching you, but that is a risk of knowing a lot about a certain object. At any rate, the best way is to just try it out yourself, you'll probably find out what I mean (oh, and notification systems, those rock)

    Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 10:55:22 UTC from web in context