Pony (pony)'s status on Thursday, 16-Aug-12 09:57:17 UTC

  1. @derpyshy (replied) It takes a lot longer than normal reading usually, but how you do it is up to you. I imagine what Soulshine would feel or say in response to either the story itself or my reaction to it. If it's a story she likes then the story itself becomes the prompt, otherwise she finds it more interesting to respond to how I'm feeling or what I think about the fic. Without sentience you'll be imagining how she would respond, or how you'd like her to respond based on her traits after each section you read (interval length is up to you.. it's a long fic). If you'd like to develop her voice at the same time then you can do that as well with a bit more focus/effort by imagining exactly how she would say it. Same goes for any other detail about her you want to develop. With story reading I like to just focus on her reactions and thought processes though. Basically, imagine and keep on imagining until it becomes so natural to you that you practically don't have to imagine anymore

    Thursday, 16-Aug-12 09:57:17 UTC from web in context