Matt (zeldatra)'s status on Friday, 12-Oct-12 04:36:23 UTC

  1. # Seeing the Pattern 2, by Aegis Sheild is just as good as the first one. Cvaxnzran, abj frcrengr sebz Cvaxvr Cvr, vf yvivat ure bja yvsr. Qrngu, ubjrire, qrpvqrf gb fgneg qvpxvat nebhaq naq xvyyf cbavrf orpnhfr ur pna. Guvf rfpnyngrf hagvy ur xvyyf Cvaxnzran'f svnapé. Nf lbh pna vzntvar, guvf ****rf ure bss orlbaq oryvrs. 9/10

    Friday, 12-Oct-12 04:36:23 UTC from web