Chris Bell (mrdragon)'s status on Thursday, 01-Nov-12 03:47:01 UTC

  1. @toksyuryel Just wondering how long it'll last before someone decides it's good troll bait, like every other younger person that's been on here. The last one we had when I was owner of here actually had his mother **** at me. Called you lot a bunch of stalkers and paedophiles, was going to get the police involved and everything. Of course it was a 'heat of the moment' thing, but once I pointed out that her son had joined the site on his own and that made both her and her son responsible for the actions and agreeing to join. She had nothing even if she wasn't joking. Had to delete the account though, had to delete a few accounts of younger users actually.

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 03:47:01 UTC from web in context