Gherkin ☑️ (thelastgherkin)'s status on Sunday, 04-Nov-12 21:01:27 UTC

  1. @thelastgherkin Nursing the bruises on her head, Mocha could only watch as her friend tried to skid the car first towards a nearby forest. She watched as Savannah turned in the direction of one particularly large tree. She watched as the car's engine erupted, and flames engulfed it entirely. Her heart stopped. Had Savannah got out in time? Seconds stretched out into hours as she stared blankly at the fire, unsure of what to do from here without her precious girlfr... without her. Then, a long-necked shadow rose from the wreckage and started limping towards her. Satisfied that Savannah was OK, at least for now, Mocha passed out.

    Sunday, 04-Nov-12 21:01:27 UTC from web in context