

  1. The hot pink convertible soared down the dusty road, a large cloud of smoke billowing out from its exhaust pipe. "You should be braking WHY AREN'T YOU BRAKING" shrieked Mocha the okapi from the passenger seat. Even in the intense and downright dangerous atmosphere, Savannah the giraffe still managed to give her one of her deadpan glares. "You think I'm not trying that?" she said, but checked herself. "Someone cut the brakes. Fairly sure there's a bomb under the hood too," she continued. Mocha's eyes managed to widen even wider. "WHYYYYYYYYYYY" she howled, as her former quiet life reading books in the middle of nowhere flashed before her eyes. #

    Friday, 02-Nov-12 17:16:06 UTC from web
    1. "Let's just say I've made a lot of enemies," Savannah replied. "You can't do the kind of thing I get up to without being noticed. Now GET OUT." Savannah swung her head around and grabbed the scruff of Mocha's neck with her teeth. One powerful thrust later and the okapi was skidding to safety on a grassy bank while the car continued its downhill descent. #

      Saturday, 03-Nov-12 18:50:04 UTC from web
      1. I ain't gonna let @thelastgherkin outdo me here. "It was a perfectly ordinary day in space, which is to say that it was also night. Sagans and Sagans of stars burned in varying degrees of brightness further than the whole of human society could see. Blind to this spectacle was Scout Nerice, asleep as she was in a cryogenic coffin twisting languidly through the void. Were her brain still active, Scout would doubtless be haunted by memories and dreams, mentally reliving the destruction of the Frantic Sin. Fortunately, her mind was as frozen as her body, and Scout Nerice would have to wait for her nightmares to begin." #

        Saturday, 03-Nov-12 18:53:32 UTC from web
        1. @scribus Yeah well. Mine had giraffes.

          Saturday, 03-Nov-12 18:55:19 UTC from web
          1. @thelastgherkin This is true. Mine probably will not.

            Saturday, 03-Nov-12 18:56:49 UTC from web
            1. @scribus I was going to write a Douglas Adamesque space opera at first, but it was all just meandering narration that never went anywhere.

              Saturday, 03-Nov-12 19:02:46 UTC from web
              1. @thelastgherkin I was originally going to write a meandering post-modern story about alcoholism and the loss of hope in life today, but then I quite promptly hated everything about it and decided I'd rather have fun.

                Saturday, 03-Nov-12 19:07:00 UTC from web
                1. @scribus Wow, funny and true. I love that :) & XD

                  Saturday, 03-Nov-12 19:07:55 UTC from web
                2. @scribus I like the sound of the one you're doing better.

                  Saturday, 03-Nov-12 19:19:22 UTC from web
                  1. @thelastgherkin As do I. I'm even going to include gvzr geniry! :D

                    Saturday, 03-Nov-12 19:21:02 UTC from web
                    1. @scribus My other idea was about that. Well, it was more Groundhog Day, only cumulatively instead of discrete.

                      Saturday, 03-Nov-12 19:26:11 UTC from web
                      1. @thelastgherkin As in it was a longer period of life being repeated instead of just one day?

                        Saturday, 03-Nov-12 19:29:02 UTC from web
                        1. @scribus As in one day that repeated, but you have to dodge your past selves.

                          Saturday, 03-Nov-12 19:30:20 UTC from web
                          1. @thelastgherkin Oh! Even better!

                            Saturday, 03-Nov-12 19:31:26 UTC from web
      2. @thelastgherkin Nursing the bruises on her head, Mocha could only watch as her friend tried to skid the car first towards a nearby forest. She watched as Savannah turned in the direction of one particularly large tree. She watched as the car's engine erupted, and flames engulfed it entirely. Her heart stopped. Had Savannah got out in time? Seconds stretched out into hours as she stared blankly at the fire, unsure of what to do from here without her precious girlfr... without her. Then, a long-necked shadow rose from the wreckage and started limping towards her. Satisfied that Savannah was OK, at least for now, Mocha passed out.

        Sunday, 04-Nov-12 21:01:27 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin # tag oops.

          Sunday, 04-Nov-12 21:02:04 UTC from web
          1. @thelastgherkin I would like to write a novel, but all my attempts failed and right now I only have one idea of what to write it about but I have no clue how to start with it :(

            Sunday, 04-Nov-12 21:04:19 UTC from web
            1. @omni I'm not even writing a novel. I started this idea up when I wasn't even sure what NaNoWriMo stood for.

              Sunday, 04-Nov-12 21:07:10 UTC from web
        2. Mocha's eyes slowly opened. Through her blurry vision, she could see her familiar giraffe friend standing over her, her face flickering in the light from the wrecked car. Faraway voices were soft in the air. Mocha felt, for the first time in ages, safe. But the voices started to fade back in, as her ears started working again: "...some time to track you down." It was a nasally, refined, masculine voice. Straining her eyes, Mocha could make out now that the face above her was twisted and sinister; it was not the face of her love, but an altogether different giraffe. "Damn it, Rothschild! Why can't you just let me live in peace?" came Savannah's voice from the direction of the wreckage. "Because you belong to me," the male giraffe replied. "You can't always get what you-" Savannah started, but she was silenced by a sudden thump. #

          Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 09:33:57 UTC from web
          1. "Don't speak out of turn, girl," hissed Rothschild. He continued, "Boys, I want this one gift-wrapped." Mocha struggled as she was lifted by the scruff of her neck by one of the giraffe henchmen, but there were too many of them and soon she was tied up immovably. Rothschild ordered his men to get into their waiting military troop transport. "Ciao, Savannah!" he called out to where she was lying down, injured. "I'll see you soon." He clambered into the back of the vehicle. Mocha was loaded in too, and she found herself sat opposite this monster. "Who the hell are you?" she spat out at him. "Oh, has she not mentioned me?" asked Rothschild, his smile contorting into a twisted grin. "I'm your worst nightmare, sweetheart. I'm Savannah's husband." #

            Thursday, 08-Nov-12 09:42:25 UTC from web
            1. Beaten and bruised, Savannah limped into the familiar crevice. She gently lifted her leg to the height of the scanner. With a bleep , her hoofprint was accepted and a small window opened in the rock face in front of her, revealing a retinal scanner. Soon she was in her familiar lair, with its comforts of home and technology far more advanced than anywhere in Equestria. Savannah flipped a switch and a large screen mounted to the wall flickered into action, revealing a characteristic silhouetted portait of a unicorn pony. "Have you lost another one?" she said. Savannah didn't respond. "Maybe now you'll drop this infantile obsession with companions and come back from your... extended vacation." "I've been fixing problems, haven't I?!" the giraffe snapped. "For whose benefit? Ours, or to enthral impressionable girls?" Savannah glared at the unicorn, then looked away. #

              Friday, 09-Nov-12 21:15:10 UTC from web
              1. @thelastgherkin =O+ Wut?

                Friday, 09-Nov-12 21:16:57 UTC from web
                1. @caterpillar Check the context to read the whole thing so far.

                  Friday, 09-Nov-12 21:18:16 UTC from web
                  1. @thelastgherkin Oh, I see what your doing.

                    Friday, 09-Nov-12 21:19:18 UTC from web
                    1. @caterpillar I hear tell it's called "writing".

                      Friday, 09-Nov-12 21:21:32 UTC from web
                      1. @thelastgherkin What's that?

                        Friday, 09-Nov-12 21:22:28 UTC from web
              2. "Your next mission, should you choose to accept it," continued the unicorn venomously, "Is to locate and infiltrate a group of anti-monarchical-" "You know what? Screw that!" spat Savannah. "I'm not taking any more orders from you until I go and get my girlfriend back." "You realise this is a trap, don't you?" asked the unicorn. "Of course it's a trap." "Then on your head be it. Don't bother signing back in. While we as an agency pride ourselves on unorthodox loose cannons, you've excelled in finding new ways to be a disappointment of an agent." "Good riddance," responded Savannah, and with a powerful kick smashed the monitor. It sparked and went dark, and the unicorn watched her no more. #

                Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 11:31:17 UTC from web
                1. @thelastgherkin oooooo ominous.

                  Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 11:33:35 UTC from web
                  1. @madflavors Will this story have a happy conclusion, or a conclusion at all? Stay tuned.

                    Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 11:35:18 UTC from web
                    1. @thelastgherkin Conclusion: (Warning may contain Spoilers) And then Savannah was trapped and unable to kill and she said "NO I MUST KILL DEMONS" but then monitor crackerd "No Savannah, you are the demons, and then Savannah was a zombie.

                      Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 11:38:49 UTC from web
                2. @thelastgherkin What the grapes am I reading?

                  Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 11:37:01 UTC from web
                3. Deep breaths. Bi-pod. Patience. Crosshairs set in place. Ready for the grand finale. This night would end with a bang. From her position in the rafters, the teal pegasus had a perfect shot at the stage. Blockbuster's itchy hoof started to squeeze the trigger of her precious modular rifle. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The sudden voice in her ear made her jump. She dived into a combat position, ready to take on... a giraffe? The creature's appearance struck her as so odd that she stood at ease. "How did you even GET up here?" "Same way you did," the giraffe replied, adding, "Thanks for taking out all the security." She craned her neck to the eyepiece of Blockbuster's rifle. "Girl, you got this all wrong." #

                  Friday, 16-Nov-12 21:37:43 UTC from web
                  1. @thelastgherkin Whatever this is, continue.

                    Friday, 16-Nov-12 21:40:06 UTC from web
                    1. @eaglehooves Will do! There's a whole bunch of it in the context that you might have missed.

                      Friday, 16-Nov-12 21:42:42 UTC from web
                  2. "You keep away from that!" shouted Blockbuster, "That's sensitive equi-" "It's a Colson modular sniper rifle with VHRS stake attachment. Someone's shooting vampires," said the giraffe. "Only your sights are set on my babygirl's favourite starlet, and I bet she won't be the only one whose bubble you'll be bursting. Y'know, with a giant stake through the heart." "She's a succubus!" snapped the pegasus. "The Pony of Pop is casting a love spell all over Equestria via hypnotic subliminal messages hidden away in her- Hey! I told you not to touch that!" The giraffe had turned the rifle around by about 30 degrees. "Now look." Blockbuster put her eye to the sight and saw, in the left wing of the stage, a fashionable unicorn with sparks erupting from her horn. "Ms. Shores' stylist," the giraffe added. "There's your succubus." Blockbuster was aghast. The giraffe handed her a party invitation and started walking toward the fire escape. "Bring your sister," she said, and left. #

                    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 21:42:33 UTC from web
                    1. "Now now fellows, I'm sure we can settle this all amiably." Gideon the griffon was backed into a corner; driven up a tree; forced against a wall. More literally, he was being pushed slowly towards the edge of a snowy cliff. "This totem belongs in a museum," he said, but the jewel thieves continued to glare at him beneath their balaclavas. "Fisticuffs it is, then." Just then, he caught a glimpse of a silhouette above him. "Actually, change of plan. Tally ho, chums!" With that, he did a back dive from the cliff edge... and rose majestically. "Did you bally well forget I had wings? Come on now." The figure above him took that as a queue to stomp against their own ledge, causing a mighty snowfall to drop on the thieves, enveloping them entirely. Gideon looked up at the shadow of the giraffe, framed against the sun. He watched as she dropped down his missing pith helmet to him; picking it up, he read the note she'd left inside. "Well blow me down. Sounds like a laugh riot!" he said.

                      Thursday, 22-Nov-12 09:07:42 UTC from web
                      1. @thelastgherkin More NaNo from you?

                        Thursday, 22-Nov-12 09:09:01 UTC from web
                        1. @scribus I ran out of characters so I couldn't fit the hashtag in. :<

                          Thursday, 22-Nov-12 09:09:30 UTC from web
                          1. @thelastgherkin Figured as much, looked pretty close to 1k. How's it coming for you? Did you register on the site? Other questions? :p

                            Thursday, 22-Nov-12 09:10:22 UTC from web
                            1. @scribus I'm not even trying to make it novel length. I thought the "WriMo" stood for "Write More", so I'm just writing more. Basically everything I've written is in context with this.

                              Thursday, 22-Nov-12 09:12:09 UTC from web
                              1. @thelastgherkin Well, writing more is still more, novel length or otherwise. :)

                                Thursday, 22-Nov-12 09:13:14 UTC from web
                                1. @scribus I add to it once daily. Might have to pick up the pace if I want it done before December, mind.

                                  Thursday, 22-Nov-12 09:15:59 UTC from web
                      2. From the far end of the garden, Fluttershy heard a knock on her door. She hustled to her front yard, and skidded to a halt as she turned the corner. “Oh, hello…” she said quietly. "There you are," said Savannah. "I need an inside man for a mission. You've got the skillset." "Oh, I think you've mistaken me for someone else..." Savannah raised an eyebrow. "You're not that good at identification without all the pheromones and stuff, are you?" "Um, do I know you?" "I got you this house, remember? You wanted to get away from your home and all that jazz, leave everything behind, and start anew?" Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Oh, you're that giraffe." "Yep," said Savannah. "Here." Savannah handed her an invite. "Don't chicken out on me now. One last favour, I swear." "I don't know..." "Don't make me blackmail you." There was a glint in Savannah's eyes that made Fluttershy hope she was joking. "I'll be there," she said steelily. #

                        Monday, 26-Nov-12 21:08:33 UTC from web
                        1. @thelastgherkin ?

                          Monday, 26-Nov-12 21:10:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid