Gherkin ☑️ (thelastgherkin)'s status on Thursday, 08-Nov-12 09:42:25 UTC

  1. "Don't speak out of turn, girl," hissed Rothschild. He continued, "Boys, I want this one gift-wrapped." Mocha struggled as she was lifted by the scruff of her neck by one of the giraffe henchmen, but there were too many of them and soon she was tied up immovably. Rothschild ordered his men to get into their waiting military troop transport. "Ciao, Savannah!" he called out to where she was lying down, injured. "I'll see you soon." He clambered into the back of the vehicle. Mocha was loaded in too, and she found herself sat opposite this monster. "Who the hell are you?" she spat out at him. "Oh, has she not mentioned me?" asked Rothschild, his smile contorting into a twisted grin. "I'm your worst nightmare, sweetheart. I'm Savannah's husband." #

    Thursday, 08-Nov-12 09:42:25 UTC from web in context