Pony (pony)'s status on Monday, 17-Dec-12 16:27:35 UTC

  1. @omni https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgvvmrl804hjb3f/Screenshot%20from%202012-12-17%2013%3A56%3A56.png I've got Ubuntu set up to use 4.3 GB of space on my flash drive for persistence, but I can't access that space. It seems to work in that it keeps my settings, documents, and installed programs between sessions. But is it normal not to be able to access that file system? My laptop took a dive while LiLi was formatting that space which caused the laptop to close and enter sleep mid formatting. When I opened it back up and clicked past the user login screen it looked like it kind of skipped the formatting to me and went on to the next phase, so I'm obviously wary.

    Monday, 17-Dec-12 16:27:35 UTC from web in context