Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Monday, 25-Feb-13 15:29:29 UTC

  1. Good afternoon RDN. I am having a little bit of a discussion here with someone who has 3 Boros Recruit's in play ( 1CMC red/white goblin ) and plays a "rally the righteous" card. Claiming it to make 1 of his recruits a 3/1 monster till end of turn, and the others 5/1 till end of turn. I am trying to explain that that is not how radiance works because it states "each creature that shares a color with it" and not "for each color target shares those creatures get +2/+0. To make matters more complicated, I have a Glory Seeker on my side of the field with a Guildscorn Ward ( Enchanted creature has protection from multicolored ) attached to it. I do not think my Glory Seeker gets the +2/+0 for the source of the spell ( Rally the Righteous ) is multicolored. # the rules are not really easy from time to time :/

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 15:29:29 UTC from web in context