Pony (pony)'s status on Thursday, 23-May-13 07:16:08 UTC

  1. @flamingpandaomg okidoke. It's good I fill you in before you buy card stock anyway I think. First, you'll have to decide whether you want the full deck or not, and how many of each card you want to print. I'm planning on printing 2 or 3 each personally. Even 1 full set takes a lot of resources depending on a few things. If you haven't guessed, the rules of the game are the same as MtG's so you to play you'll need at least 40 cards per deck and at least 2 decks, (I prefer at least 50 cards per deck.)

    Thursday, 23-May-13 07:16:08 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context