Sam daphnes nohansen hyrule (awesam15)'s status on Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 22:55:06 UTC

  1. @zeldatra FUUUUUDGE hes despicable. Everyone deserves EQUALITY. LOVE. AND HAPPIENESS. its people like that who are purposely buckingham palacers, and upset the balance. Make the world the cruel, discriminative place it Is today.anything oit of the social norm they rip on. But it was the same social norm that caused thousands and thousands of germans to kill and arrest jews. The same social norm that had thousands treat african americans like inequals. the same same social norm that threw hundreds of gays, bisexuals, lesbians and transvestites into the "closet" and set them in science. Look at thesr things, and I ask you, whats so great about the social norm?

    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 22:55:06 UTC from web in context