komamiki's status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 13:46:18 UTC

  1. @scoot Ok, there are four main characters- Ariola/Adara (haven't decided yet) Pectus, who is the main main character, and she is like an alpaca. She has powers that activate when she enters a fit of rage. Piarfe Lellrie, she is the mermaid girl, she is blind and is a siren (basically she sings and it does stuff), Cannuick Nexiu, he is a moth guy and he is a big strong guy but he wants to be a librarian. He can control those who are pure of heart. Finally, there's Scobias Hanule who is this shy goat guy. He loves nature and he wants to be courageous so he doesn't feel so weak. He can change emotions (i.e sooth Ariola/Adara's anger and stops her from murdering everyone)

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 13:46:18 UTC from web in context