Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-13 23:00:38 UTC

  1. @awlderpy Hmm, sorta, yes. The event I am going to is called Campzone. And you can best think of it as an 11 day long mashup between a LAN-party and a camp from the Scout Movement. There will be no required things to do however, so sports day is completely optional, or free to watch. Then there are other things the organization has organized, every day there is a diffrent thing being towed and assembled on the activity-field. Like inflatable XXXL sumo suits, the game that was made on campzone called "beer-crate-stacking&climbing", a mechanical bull. You get the picture. Yet the main 2 things are probably the immensely fast LAN connection you have for your computer in your own tent, and the absolute HUGE number of nerds who come to Campzone. As you are well aware most nerds and/or compter enthousiasts are not exactly high on social skills. Since everyone speaks the same language you are bound to expend your circle of friends. Oh and get to play that nerdy game you wanted to.

    Monday, 08-Jul-13 23:00:38 UTC from web in context