... (tenebarius)'s status on Thursday, 24-Oct-13 21:06:27 UTC

  1. @ceruleanspark No. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. I'm sure because I make it a point to be acutely aware of myself. I have never had a transfusion of any type. Yes. Yes. Yes, I am. My hands are relaxed. Yes. They are on my keyboard. They have been many places, though mostly close to my wrists. They are going to take up a pen and write. I am going to a place that gives me hope, in which exists a community of people willing to help. Yes I have. No, I haven't. Absolutely, I enjoy feeling the textures of things. No, I trust my other senses at times. Yes. Trust is a bond that goes beyond space or time, it resonates in our innermost being. No, the only true proof that you exist is what you believe. No, physically fixing something is merely the momentary reconstruction of it. Too much history. Yes. I feel plenty. I feel too much. I CAN do it. Will you help? Okay then.

    Thursday, 24-Oct-13 21:06:27 UTC from web in context