Cerulean Spark (ceruleanspark)'s status on Thursday, 24-Oct-13 21:07:27 UTC

  1. @tenebarius Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled? Never made sense of what you are, who you were, who you will be? Unfulfilled? Do you forget sometimes about your own skin, your own hair, or other people’s hair and skin? Can you make more hair, more skin? Do you need more hair and/or skin? Unfulfilled? Are you satisfied with it all? Do you see it all? What room are you in? What room do you want to be in? How big is your room? Unfulfilled? Have you ever said a thing inside your brain, and then sent it to your hand to move a pencil to write it into symbols onto a paper, which used to be a tree, and then used your eyes to translate those symbols back into the thing you just said inches away in your brain, and then re-said it with your mouth into an ear? Whose ear was it? Unfulfilled? Ever eaten things that made you think differently? Breathed things? Unfulfilled? Feel things? Felt things? We are you. StrexCorp.

    Thursday, 24-Oct-13 21:07:27 UTC from web in context