... (tenebarius)'s status on Thursday, 24-Oct-13 21:14:31 UTC

  1. @ceruleanspark Perhaps I do. I'm saying it now. Yes. I'd like to think that I'm making sense of it now. Yes. I do. I feel existence fade around me sometimes, and I forget I exist. I cannot. No, at least not yet. Yes. I am not satisfied. I see what I see, and nothing more. I am in my living room. The room I am in is approximately 16 feet by 13 feet. My room is about 12 feet by 9 feet. Yes. I have, indeed. Such an abbreviated relation of what occurs every time we write or speak a word. Most likely my brother's ear, as he is the one with whom I speak the most. Yes. Oddly enough, I have. I have as well. Yes. I have and shall again. Are you really?

    Thursday, 24-Oct-13 21:14:31 UTC from web in context