clayinthecarpet's status on Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 00:33:50 UTC

  1. @pony Cute!! Yeah, I'm just not into that type of thing. *sigh*.....See....*MY* deal is that I can't really produce anything for a production-related reason. I've tried SO many times and I just can't. If it's personal, though....I'll forgo living a normal life at times just to make sure it gets finished and finished correctly. It's hard to explain, kinda...I only make what I want to make, when I want to make it, and because of that, I can't really afford to have any interest in vectoring. I've already spent like $140 in Prismacolor pencils that I am not likely to make back because I'm not receiving any commissions yet. So blehhh to more spending.

    Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 00:33:50 UTC from web in context