Cerulean Spark (ceruleanspark)'s status on Thursday, 16-Jan-14 16:52:54 UTC

  1. OK, this is ready for general release now: If you want to donate to RDN by contributing spare CPU time that you have available, you may now do so by following these instructions: First, download the appropriate miner for your OS here: http://pny.lv/axu, then using a CLI, fire it up (Protip, in windows, holding shift and right clicking gives you the option to "Open a Command Window Here") and run the following command: minerd.exe -o stratum+tcp://direct.rainbowdash.net:3333 -u Serrio.Open then just leave it running as long as you want. Obviously, this maxes your CPU, so don't set yourself on fire running it on an uncooled machine, or in 40 degree heat.

    Thursday, 16-Jan-14 16:52:54 UTC from web in context