Darkly Cute (darklycute)'s status on Monday, 01-Aug-11 07:57:17 UTC

  1. !ohiobronies So @starshine and I were talking about making an Ohio meetup mascot pony. So far we have decide on an Earth pony. Reasons why: 1 - Earth Ponies are the Farmers in Equestria, Ohio is very big in agriculture. 2 and 3 - Pinkie Pie is an Earth Pony who invented a flying machine. Ohio is home to lots of inventors, as well as the birthplace of modern aviation. -- Now just to decide what said pony looks like. Once that has been decided I will be making a custom pony of her out of a one of the giant fashion style ponies.

    Monday, 01-Aug-11 07:57:17 UTC from web