Pony (pony)'s status on Thursday, 29-May-14 07:00:25 UTC

  1. @nerthos Aye. The tricky part about claiming justice over law, however, is that, while it may not be dishonest to break the law, sometimes, I think, it still undermines what limited order may exist within the law and puts the whole system at risk of deterioration. Ideally, the people should have power to change the law rather than need to break it. Of course, when the people speak out, yet are still stifled by the government or by factions, then we get into dangerous territory and have to choose order vs. disorder, justice vs. injustice, accountability vs. innocence, etc. and every complex combination that makes the whole situation look gray.

    Thursday, 29-May-14 07:00:25 UTC from web in context