Narwhal (narwhal)'s status on Sunday, 17-May-15 23:42:06 UTC

  1. @awlditzy Well, that isn't to say we shouldn't pursue our passions or put hard work and effort into the things we love. It's great to have something to work at, and having goals to set and meet helps facilitate growth as a person. The willingness to continue striving forward and trying our best part of what makes people so absolutely beautiful. It's just when you let your passion become your identity that things get more questionable. Do you do what you love because it's given you something to works towards, an avenue to grow as a person and connect with others? Or is it simply because you are that thing, you know nothing outside of it and can only get love, respect, and recognition because of it? The long and short of it is someone admiring you for your talents will never achieve the weight of someone loving and respecting you because of who you are simply as a human being.

    Sunday, 17-May-15 23:42:06 UTC from web in context