Narwhal (narwhal)'s status on Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 03:30:39 UTC

  1. @redenchilada That's understandable. I'd actually agree that the main series designs have more character and charm (at least the ones you've shown, I was never crazy about Brendan's redesign as the wetsuit motif looked kind of awkward in a Pokemon game to me but May's design was great in ORAS). To be completely honest I'd hardly payed much attention at all to the trainer designs in Pokken, they looked acceptable to me and served their function as a sort of generic surrogates for the player. I guess I was more concerned with how the Pokemon themselves looked and moved, both of which from trailers I've seen seem to be pretty strongly functional.

    Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 03:30:39 UTC from web in context