

  1. Have I ever told you guys how much Pokken Tournament kiwies me off

    Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 02:28:08 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada no how

      Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 02:28:22 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada Why does it FrankerZ you off?

      Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 02:28:47 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal They put in a cherrying Pikachu reskin for their lucha character instead of putting in Hawlucha

        Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 02:33:02 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada I mean, that's disappointing, but it's one small thing isn't it?

          Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 02:33:38 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal Do you have any idea how livid I am that they did that

            Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 02:35:56 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada From your tone I'd say very livid. I guess for me personally it's one feature of the game I'm disappointed with but there's so much else to look forward to.

              Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 02:36:57 UTC from web
              1. @northernnarwhal Honestly I wasn't looking forward to the game that much even before that. It looks like a pretty basic Tekken clone and the art style irks me with its generic anime trainer art and uncanny valley-tier character texturing work (at least in some of the promotional art)

                Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 02:38:42 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada I mean, I'm pretty sure it's right in the title that it's a Tekken clone. To my knowledge the whole appeal of the game ipso facto is that it's Tekken but with Pokemon. That's what's got me excited for it, and I'm not even a Tekken fan. I don't actually mind the art design, I mean the modeling isn't anything special but from what I've seen it still tends to the exaggerated design quirks of a Pokemon game. It's passable for the game its suited to, anyway. And don't all the main series Pokemon games also have generic anime trainer art?

                  Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 02:46:17 UTC from web
                  1. @northernnarwhal It's pretty close to standard anime style, sure, but the main games' style has subtle differences that gives it more character, at least in my opinion. The style is a slight bit more cartoonified, especially when you compare the faces: comparing to and , the latter have less pronounced noses, rounder eyes, and less detail on the features, which looks cleaner to me. I think the heads are also slightly bigger compared to the first one's? Hard to tell without a full-body reference for the former, but it definitely looks that way. The slightly cartoonier style appeals more to me. (Also, I think the Pokken trainer's design lacks any charm or character.)

                    Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 03:09:54 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada The picture of the male trainer in the game looks like "basic male character for my RPG game 101"

                      Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 03:10:49 UTC from web
                    2. @redenchilada That's understandable. I'd actually agree that the main series designs have more character and charm (at least the ones you've shown, I was never crazy about Brendan's redesign as the wetsuit motif looked kind of awkward in a Pokemon game to me but May's design was great in ORAS). To be completely honest I'd hardly payed much attention at all to the trainer designs in Pokken, they looked acceptable to me and served their function as a sort of generic surrogates for the player. I guess I was more concerned with how the Pokemon themselves looked and moved, both of which from trailers I've seen seem to be pretty strongly functional.

                      Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 03:30:39 UTC from web
        2. @redenchilada Hawlucha would be 10000 times better

          Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 02:33:42 UTC from web