RedEnchilada (notice the lack of a space) (redenchilada)'s status on Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 03:09:54 UTC

  1. @northernnarwhal It's pretty close to standard anime style, sure, but the main games' style has subtle differences that gives it more character, at least in my opinion. The style is a slight bit more cartoonified, especially when you compare the faces: comparing to and , the latter have less pronounced noses, rounder eyes, and less detail on the features, which looks cleaner to me. I think the heads are also slightly bigger compared to the first one's? Hard to tell without a full-body reference for the former, but it definitely looks that way. The slightly cartoonier style appeals more to me. (Also, I think the Pokken trainer's design lacks any charm or character.)

    Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 03:09:54 UTC from web in context