adiwan (adiwan)'s status on Monday, 09-Nov-15 09:27:09 UTC

  1. @skellythos Well... In our group we tried to be diplomatic but at a certain point after we f***ed up so many times with conversations when our changeling spy with incredible bluff skills wasn't available that we relied on brute force and lying over diplomacy. On time an aberration revived my wizard because he thought my character was evil, and the aberration wanted to turn the world into chaos and he should help him. So... right after my wizard was revived he attacked the aberration and successfully killed before the aberration could gain more power (was weakened by a fight with an ice demon before). Instead of being friendly to the aberration, as if it were normal being treaded friendly oneself, we killed him in a few rounds. It was glorious.

    Monday, 09-Nov-15 09:27:09 UTC from Choqok in context