Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Sunday, 28-Feb-16 23:06:03 UTC

  1. @m14brony I, ehh... well... coming from Europe I would definatly double-take if I found someone in a grocery store just openly-carrying ( still holstered in this scenario ) a M1911-springfield or something. It is not that I find guns are the problem, I just find that the police "nice vs brutal" will definatly tip towards the brutal side if guns are very easy to get, and probably they see all the time. And what politics are doing in America are actually increasing the gun-sales ( If you are in the stock market, you feel this ), increasing the amount of possible guns the police encounter. So yeah, when I see someone with a gun in its holster in an open carry state. I do not fear for anything but "oh please do not let anything happen that requires police involvement or anything because the moment they get aggitated they go shouting, and when people go shouting I get 2 possible things, a PTSD panic attack and a clusterheadache attack... The latter one making the first one even more likely"

    Sunday, 28-Feb-16 23:06:03 UTC from web in context