

  1. Coil guns? While I have some basic electrical knowledge, I will stick with the Kalashnikov, Glock, etc. :P

    Sunday, 28-Feb-16 22:31:34 UTC from web
    1. @m14brony Magnetic guns are better as far as efficiency, projectile speed, and ecology. Firearms and other chemical based weapons are practical but require lots of infrastructure to manufacture ammunition.

      Sunday, 28-Feb-16 22:33:15 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos There is plenty of that infrastructure over here in the USA.

        Sunday, 28-Feb-16 22:43:11 UTC from web
        1. @m14brony Yet there's no way you could procure all of that on your own, while magnetic guns you can build from scratch and basically make every part of it and the ammo yourself. It's mostly a freedom vs dependency thing. Both punch holes on things, the difference being that with magnetic guns it's all by yourself, while with firearms it's with a lot of people behind you.

          Sunday, 28-Feb-16 23:17:48 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos If civilization collapses, I probably have bigger problems than a lack of ammunition infrastructure and such. Not to mention that infrastructure is also required for batteries, capacitors, transformers, etc.

            Monday, 29-Feb-16 00:07:27 UTC from web
    2. @m14brony Yeah that is right... Say do you know anything about NERF ?

      Sunday, 28-Feb-16 22:37:07 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker I played with Nerf guns (foam projectiles, if I recall correctly) back when I was a kid.

        Sunday, 28-Feb-16 22:44:15 UTC from web
        1. @m14brony Yeah, since I live in Europe and the last LAN party I went to EVERYONE was playing around with those things ( I probably have pictures of entire windows being covered by sucky-nerf-dart-thingies ) ... Kinda looking to buy one, even if they are weaksauce compared to anything I have fired before... Recommendations ?

          Sunday, 28-Feb-16 22:51:12 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker Admittedly, I am not in a position to make Nerf recommendations; I probably haven't used their products for 20 years or so.

            Sunday, 28-Feb-16 22:52:51 UTC from web
          2. @critialcloudkicker I can't say I am fond of some things over here in the US (expensive colleges, privatized healthcare, etc.). However, I am extremely fond of the relatively relaxed gun control laws we have in most of this country. :)

            Sunday, 28-Feb-16 22:56:44 UTC from web
            1. @m14brony I, ehh... well... coming from Europe I would definatly double-take if I found someone in a grocery store just openly-carrying ( still holstered in this scenario ) a M1911-springfield or something. It is not that I find guns are the problem, I just find that the police "nice vs brutal" will definatly tip towards the brutal side if guns are very easy to get, and probably they see all the time. And what politics are doing in America are actually increasing the gun-sales ( If you are in the stock market, you feel this ), increasing the amount of possible guns the police encounter. So yeah, when I see someone with a gun in its holster in an open carry state. I do not fear for anything but "oh please do not let anything happen that requires police involvement or anything because the moment they get aggitated they go shouting, and when people go shouting I get 2 possible things, a PTSD panic attack and a clusterheadache attack... The latter one making the first one even more likely"

              Sunday, 28-Feb-16 23:06:03 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker I personally prefer (and practice) concealed carry. If I had to use a firearm in self-defense, I would prefer the assailant not to know about me carrying it until it is already pointed at him. The increased gun sales thing is due to the NRA: they intentionally spread panic about a gun ban that isn't likely to happen in order to get more money for themselves (more dues paying members) and the manufacturers on whose behalf they lobby (more demand = higher prices). Interestingly, US crime rates have been dropping in spite of more people carrying guns.

                Monday, 29-Feb-16 00:05:22 UTC from web
                1. @m14brony And who is to say that crime rate isn't dropping due to anti criminal programs doing their job, or criminals wising up to the fact that there is more money in covertly stealing than actually mugging people or stores. Or hitting that magic criminal to magic-gun-saturation level where the chance of a successfull mugging is now too small to succeed in the eyes of many criminals ? Or maybe the petty crimes are going down due to so many guns in the open ? ... It just leaves me with more questions than a feeling of safety really. Then again I would not be able to change anything. But I am still gonna ask questions.

                  Oh, and yeah... money makes the world go around, it is pretty much the NRA's job to make money. And the politics are playing right into their moneymaker practices that work best.

                  Monday, 29-Feb-16 00:21:54 UTC from web
                  1. @critialcloudkicker Regardless of the reasons why violent crime in the US has been dropping, the fact is that guns don't cause such crime; Feinstein, Obama, et. al. have no logical case for a gun ban (aside from the viewpoint of an oligarchy not wanting those they exploit to have guns). If people want to restrict my access to arms, they need to bring some evidence to the table. I don't trust a capitalist oligarchy to decide who gets to have guns and who doesn't get to have them.

                    Monday, 29-Feb-16 00:39:30 UTC from web
                    1. @m14brony Taking away your guns now ? yeah that would be crazy. If the Average American is just as crazy about their guns as I am about pink poofballs still running around in my brain... we'd probably both go insane without them anyway. What I am saying though is that you should probably keep guns away from people who say such crazy Fluffle Puff as "pink poofballs running around in my brain" in any other context that does not one automatically assume Ponies ( we are still on RDN, remember ). And right now I could just send an autistic co-worker into a gun-store with some directions as to what he should buy, make him mark a checkbox on a piece of paper, and trade the gun for a big wad of cash after the transaction is completed and he is out of the store. ... as for my co-worker, yeah could just say that he lost the gun one time at the beach and forgot all about it since he was on holliday. ... So yeah, that system is in dire need of some serious ducttape.

                      Monday, 29-Feb-16 00:49:16 UTC from web
                      1. @critialcloudkicker The mentally defective, felons, etc. are already prohibited from owning firearms per US federal law. While I don't believe that domestic abusers, violent felons, etc. can be trusted with firearms, they can still find illegal ways to acquire them if they are determined enough. It is illegal to knowingly lie on a Form 4473 (ATF NICS background check). However, those who do as such are rarely prosecuted. That needs to change. Additionally, I don't think it would hurt for us to become a bit more "Swiss" and have mandatory firearm training. Income inequality and a lack of access to quality healthcare (including the mental type) are serious issues as well.

                        Monday, 29-Feb-16 01:15:51 UTC from web
                        1. @m14brony You know. I agree with that. Probably have to look up "swiss mandatory gun training" though. But for everyone who agrees there is a nutcase who wants to put GPS trackers in bullets and other baloney. Govnerment has to balance that somehow. No matter how we look at it they probably always flufflepuffled it. I mean if smartguns become universally the new norm then you might see the rise of the zipgun again. Govnerment can't win. But we must never stop critiqueing.

                          Monday, 29-Feb-16 10:45:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          1. @critialcloudkicker 3D printed guns are already happening.

                            Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:06:18 UTC from web
                            1. @colfax Yeah but the barrel and priming mechanism are impossible to safely create with 3D printing technology unless if you want to end up as maimed as my headcannon says the PC of Farcry 2 is. Also there is the "hammer" or "pin" which would prove to be an obstacle

                              Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:18:27 UTC from web
                              1. @critialcloudkicker barrels are easy to put together, hells, I once made a case hardened sleeve for a plastic flare gun you can buy at walmart that would let you run regular shotgun shells through it

                                Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:23:23 UTC from web
                                1. @colfax True, but would that allow for stopping power the likes of which an actual pump action of automatic shotgun past the first actual shell ?

                                  Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:28:01 UTC from web
                                  1. @critialcloudkicker I made it about 10 inches long and it seemed to work just fine, it's not as though it was going to be used for hunting or anything like that.

                                    Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:33:22 UTC from web
                                    1. @colfax Yeah, my point exactly. Even if someone were to steal your weird zipgun and decide to go shoot up a cinema or something they probably would not get past 2 injured due to reloading times and whatnot. Also Carson's "you could just rush the gunman" would have been WAY more likely to succeed. It's not an AR-15 or something.

                                      Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:39:56 UTC from web
                                      1. @critialcloudkicker I made something for someone that wanted to keep snakes out of his back yard... at what point did I even hint at opening up on a movie theater or anything even remotely like that?

                                        Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:43:49 UTC from web
                                        1. @colfax I am not saying you would ever commit any form of crime or tragedy, however, that does happen to be the topic you decided to ran along.

                                          Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:49:45 UTC from web
                                          1. @critialcloudkicker Either way, the point I was initially trying to make was that they can regulate everything to hell and gone, but if people want to arm themselves they'll find a way to do it, legal or otherwise, hell, give me half an hour in a Home Depot and I can whip up a 40mm grenade launcher, it wont be pretty but it'll work, if you can find rounds for it.

                                            Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:53:54 UTC from web
                                            1. @colfax Yes, Home Depot really blows every form of compareable European home-improvement store out of the water, pun intended. But you see, I would personally see even improvement if some people ( the psychologically compromised for example ) did not have easy access to weapons with massive killing potential. The keyword being "easy".

                                              I really do not think people who are about to kill someone else look into Leonardo Davinchi's designs and say "hey, I am gonna make a Super Scythed Chariot and use it against my co-workers today". Because that would be too hard.

                                              Same for Zipguns, yes you can probably make one, but shooting everyone in the boardroom up with a zipgun in under 10 seconds would be neigh impossible. Unless if you can create a 15 barreled zipgun that uses buckshot shotgun shells or something... Which would be hard to sneak in.

                                              It's a difficult topic though.

                                              Monday, 29-Feb-16 12:09:20 UTC from web
                                              1. @critialcloudkicker I have a design for a three-barreled one, but not fifteen, hand-cranked, drum fed, shorten the barrels and it would fit in a backpack... have I ever mentioned that I design crazy mango when I'm really bored?

                                                Monday, 29-Feb-16 12:18:26 UTC from web
                                                1. @colfax Awesome. Designing is fun. However actually making any of the stuff I jolted down ? Yeah, I do not know any electrical engineering. And since I live in Europe any design-doodle I make is pretty much non-explosive and non-lethal. As such mine are horse-pebbles when compared if you grade by awesomeness.

                                                  Although I do have the internals for a Cybran T2 destroyer ship worked out to a level where I could probably build one if you give me a couple of million. ( ), which is probably one of my more awesome doodles.

                                                  As I said... design doodles... I don't have a job actually designing anything other than time tables for people with autism to help them through the day.

                                                  Monday, 29-Feb-16 12:26:43 UTC from web
                                                2. @colfax Also, actually making a drum based three-barreled, hand-cranked, shotgun that automatically reprimes and reloads as you keep cranking would probably make you a gunsmith. That is, if the thing does not destroys itself with "normal use"

                                                  Monday, 29-Feb-16 12:32:12 UTC from web
                                                  1. @critialcloudkicker The design is based off the civil war era Gatling guns.

                                                    Monday, 29-Feb-16 12:37:22 UTC from web
                                                    1. @colfax Oh, I like that more than my "on the fly" idea of a multi-barreled revolver-shotgun.

                                                      Monday, 29-Feb-16 18:36:42 UTC from web
                                  2. @critialcloudkicker @colfax pump action . . . of automatic shotgun? Where is this world you live ?!

                                    Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:33:30 UTC from
                                    1. @fl0wn In the world of typo's where "of"'s and "or"'s sometimes get mixed up

                                      Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:45:50 UTC from web
                              2. @critialcloudkicker Firearms have been illegally manufactured with crude tools for years in Pakistan's Khyber Pass region. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that criminals are always going to find a way to get arms.

                                Monday, 29-Feb-16 19:05:27 UTC from web
                                1. @m14brony Yes, yes they are. However I am not worried about criminals getting guns, I am worried about someone with a psychological meltdown who has easy/quick access to guns.

                                  Monday, 29-Feb-16 19:39:57 UTC from web
                          2. @critialcloudkicker The Swiss are conscripted into mandatory military service, and I believe they are regularly required to requalify in marksmanship tests. Granted, the Swiss don't have a belligerent foreign policy as the US does (I am not against conscription in principle). It would be nice to see a less belligerent "Swiss" approach over here. Even without conscription, it would be nice to see people enroll in gun training, safety, etc.

                            Monday, 29-Feb-16 19:03:16 UTC from web
    3. @m14brony Yeah that is right... Say do you know anything about NERF ?

      Sunday, 28-Feb-16 22:38:37 UTC from web