Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Monday, 29-Feb-16 12:26:43 UTC

  1. @colfax Awesome. Designing is fun. However actually making any of the stuff I jolted down ? Yeah, I do not know any electrical engineering. And since I live in Europe any design-doodle I make is pretty much non-explosive and non-lethal. As such mine are horse-pebbles when compared if you grade by awesomeness.

    Although I do have the internals for a Cybran T2 destroyer ship worked out to a level where I could probably build one if you give me a couple of million. ( ), which is probably one of my more awesome doodles.

    As I said... design doodles... I don't have a job actually designing anything other than time tables for people with autism to help them through the day.

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 12:26:43 UTC from web in context