Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Monday, 29-Feb-16 00:49:16 UTC

  1. @m14brony Taking away your guns now ? yeah that would be crazy. If the Average American is just as crazy about their guns as I am about pink poofballs still running around in my brain... we'd probably both go insane without them anyway. What I am saying though is that you should probably keep guns away from people who say such crazy Fluffle Puff as "pink poofballs running around in my brain" in any other context that does not one automatically assume Ponies ( we are still on RDN, remember ). And right now I could just send an autistic co-worker into a gun-store with some directions as to what he should buy, make him mark a checkbox on a piece of paper, and trade the gun for a big wad of cash after the transaction is completed and he is out of the store. ... as for my co-worker, yeah could just say that he lost the gun one time at the beach and forgot all about it since he was on holliday. ... So yeah, that system is in dire need of some serious ducttape.

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 00:49:16 UTC from web in context