Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Monday, 29-Feb-16 12:09:20 UTC

  1. @colfax Yes, Home Depot really blows every form of compareable European home-improvement store out of the water, pun intended. But you see, I would personally see even improvement if some people ( the psychologically compromised for example ) did not have easy access to weapons with massive killing potential. The keyword being "easy".

    I really do not think people who are about to kill someone else look into Leonardo Davinchi's designs and say "hey, I am gonna make a Super Scythed Chariot and use it against my co-workers today". Because that would be too hard.

    Same for Zipguns, yes you can probably make one, but shooting everyone in the boardroom up with a zipgun in under 10 seconds would be neigh impossible. Unless if you can create a 15 barreled zipgun that uses buckshot shotgun shells or something... Which would be hard to sneak in.

    It's a difficult topic though.

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 12:09:20 UTC from web in context