Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Monday, 29-Feb-16 00:21:54 UTC

  1. @m14brony And who is to say that crime rate isn't dropping due to anti criminal programs doing their job, or criminals wising up to the fact that there is more money in covertly stealing than actually mugging people or stores. Or hitting that magic criminal to magic-gun-saturation level where the chance of a successfull mugging is now too small to succeed in the eyes of many criminals ? Or maybe the petty crimes are going down due to so many guns in the open ? ... It just leaves me with more questions than a feeling of safety really. Then again I would not be able to change anything. But I am still gonna ask questions.

    Oh, and yeah... money makes the world go around, it is pretty much the NRA's job to make money. And the politics are playing right into their moneymaker practices that work best.

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 00:21:54 UTC from web in context