m14brony's status on Monday, 29-Feb-16 01:15:51 UTC

  1. @critialcloudkicker The mentally defective, felons, etc. are already prohibited from owning firearms per US federal law. While I don't believe that domestic abusers, violent felons, etc. can be trusted with firearms, they can still find illegal ways to acquire them if they are determined enough. It is illegal to knowingly lie on a Form 4473 (ATF NICS background check). However, those who do as such are rarely prosecuted. That needs to change. Additionally, I don't think it would hurt for us to become a bit more "Swiss" and have mandatory firearm training. Income inequality and a lack of access to quality healthcare (including the mental type) are serious issues as well.

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 01:15:51 UTC from web in context