Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Monday, 14-Mar-16 20:51:46 UTC

  1. @hfaust I actually dove into the context button to see what you were talking about. The whole article just does not sit right with me to the point where I want to laugh in this guy's face a couple of times. However, I do see less and less concerns about upgrading my Windows 7 to Windows 10 every day. The only real things that are keeping me now are because Windows 10 seems to FORCE updates, even when playing games for instance, batcave around with the privacy-settings, and, that's it ? I mean as a Windows 7 user they are probably already into my stuff on the same level as if I were using Windows 10 ?

    Monday, 14-Mar-16 20:51:46 UTC from web in context