Narwhal (narwhal)'s status on Sunday, 24-Apr-16 04:48:25 UTC

  1. @scribus It's off for a few different reasons. You're right in that it isn't atonal, but it is a few semitones off key and (more importantly) it's monophonic. Whereas the human voice is still technically monophonic, there are still harmonic overtones and fundamental frequencies carried even in our speaking voice, but Tara's singing is much more singular in tone, so that increases its sense of inhumanity. It's also not arrhythmic, but there's no coherent rhythmic meter throughout her singing, so it sounds rhythmically jarring especially when juxtaposed against the backing music (which, to tie into what I was saying earlier, is harmonically dissonant relative to Tara). I think Tara the Android is meant to capture the uncanny valley effect, both in appearance and performance, so they're meant to look and sound like an imitation of a person while still being very clearly inhuman.

    Sunday, 24-Apr-16 04:48:25 UTC from web in context