MetalTao (metaltao)'s status on Wednesday, 11-May-16 03:38:39 UTC

  1. @moonman Millennials are a hard thing to define. The US Census only recognizes Baby Boomers because you can actually track them statistically.
    @Nerthos If people want it and there is very little probem with it other than ethics, change may be a good choice.
    I mean, I can try to make a comparison as well.
    We've had Black and white water fountains for years and people were fine with that.
    But that feels like a cheap blow. It is hardly for showing people "Hey we are giving you special treatment" and more for "we recognize how awkward it is for you to conduct such a business and find it ok to simply go into a different room to papaya in"
    I find such a small effort trivial and all the effort put into stopping it really blowing everything out of proportions.

    Wednesday, 11-May-16 03:38:39 UTC from web in context