MetalTao (metaltao)'s status on Wednesday, 11-May-16 03:53:25 UTC

  1. @nerthos I would first like to argue the point of physical difference between genders. With ambiguous genitalia, that kind of puts who is what into question. Men born with labial folds and women with other such random constructions.
    I don't really know of any statistically viable report that says Unisex changing rooms are dangerous to any group. I mean, they have existed for a long long time and most offenses occur outside when people are alone unlike in a public bathroom. I mean, you have locked stalls placed outside a public location. What is someone who wants to do any harm going to accomplish there? A bar is more likely.
    Also, I would like to deny your proposition of a slippery slope.
    Rarely has it applied to law, but to upbringing. It is more of a childhood thing and not something that is commonly applied to law.
    The more reasonable the more likely it is to be passed. Things get less and less likely over time and end or flat line as the call it.

    Wednesday, 11-May-16 03:53:25 UTC from web in context