RDN's Lucifer (nerthos)'s status on Wednesday, 11-May-16 03:59:58 UTC

  1. @metaltao Unisex changing rooms, baths, and such things exists, yes, but in places with a culture that makes it reasonable, but if you try to apply it to a place with a different culture it works terribly. An example of cultural differences making the same thing have completely different results is social plans where the state gives monetary aid to individuals: in switzerland it raised production, education and job satisfaction; whilst in my country the same thing caused political clientelism and a refusal of many individuals to do any meaningful work. Your point of people with medical conditions like hermaphrodites or malformations is valid, and such people should be allowed a more private space for changing and showering than people with no conditions. People with normal bodies don't have any real need for such accomodations though.

    Wednesday, 11-May-16 03:59:58 UTC from web in context