Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Friday, 15-Jul-16 13:42:53 UTC

  1. @mushi Haha, well the WiiMote was a success actually, and then Sony and Microsoft had to create their own version. And I do not think anyone could ever unironicaly defend those things ( ). Think about it, the Wii sold billions mostly because of that gimmick ( but mostly because it just worked right, and you could do things with it like bowling, and people know bowling, so they could just pick it up and play )

    VR technology on the other hand. Oculus ( now FaceBook ) was dumping tonnes of money into it and mayhaps took too long perfecting it, now the competition has ran off with similar idea's. Just like with the Motion Controller idea actually. Does that mean it will inevitably go away ? I hope not, VR is a kickass experience. Kinda like your first roller coaster ride ( *wink wink* )

    However, the biggest difference between the above seems to be that Oculus/FaceBook is actively trying to poison it's own well. Which is weird.

    Friday, 15-Jul-16 13:42:53 UTC from web in context