Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Friday, 15-Jul-16 15:43:43 UTC

  1. @mushi There are 2 things I am sensing here. Firstly, relax, there is no way that VR gaming will become bigger than traditional gaming with a monitor/tv/viewscreen. Well at least not until computers become powerfull enough to make something like a virtual reality desktop become both comfy and easy. Which probably will not happen for a long long while.

    And you are confusing "popular" with "serious". I mean, skydiving is popular right now, doesn't mean that everyone who can strap on a parachute will try it.

    A lot of people have a computer at home for things like taxes, official documents, and whatnot, so why not game on it ?. That is a cornerstone of the PC's power, and doing taxes with a virtual reality headset ? I do not see that happening untill we are FAR FAR into the future, or the living costs of a bigger house start to outweigh the space you would need for a monitor...

    The future will be fun :)

    Friday, 15-Jul-16 15:43:43 UTC from web in context