Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Thursday, 26-Jan-17 00:06:11 UTC

  1. @tiffany *sigh* ohkay well first of all libtard is a conjoinment ( ? ) of the words 'liberal' and 'retard'. Probably made around the time when some retard pinko tried to combat the word pinko and the opponents made the word 'libtard' in jest. But I really do not think you are a libtard as you have proven to not climb in a chair/tree while shouting nothing but echochamber rhetoric.

    And secondly, AHHHH. I was not sure if you were praising people like Al Gore and the Bill Clinton Foundation or mocking the US govnerment.

    Thursday, 26-Jan-17 00:06:11 UTC from web in context