Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Thursday, 26-Jan-17 09:27:48 UTC

  1. @thelastgherkin The word "schrobben" was probably first coined by Dutch seamen, probably privateers or straight up pirates, and originally "het dek schrobben" > "scrub the deck" got applied to clothing you kinda have to scrub a lot since it gets dirty. And then when hospitals became a thing it started to carry over to the clothing we now know as scrubs. After the dawn of the internet it started to replace the word "greenhorn" and after Zach Braff made his show the word "greenhorn" was nearly completely phased out.

    And I just realized my brainfart has nothing to do with TLC...

    Thursday, 26-Jan-17 09:27:48 UTC from web in context